Friday, March 10, 2006


I have been thinking way too much lately about goals. My short term goals (drink more water), my long term goals (finish my triathlon) and my life long goals (travel). I've always thought that goals are a good thing. They keep you motivated, keep you going and working toward completion.

But lately, I've been thinking about just how many goals a person can realistically have. I mean, if my list of short term goals is three pages long, what are the odds that I'm going to reach every goal? And then, when I don't reach them, how crappy am I going to feel when I know that I've let myself - and possibly others - down?

And here's another thing - which goals are the most important? The short term goals with the quickest pay off? Or the life long goals - the ones that you work toward for years and the pay off is immeasurable? Should you have a lot of short term goals, and only a few long term ones? Or the other way around?

And another - how specific do your goals need to be? Should they be general - I want to travel. Or should they be more specific - I want to travel to all 50 states in the U.S. Does the specificity of your goals make them more or less attainable?

Here's the conclusion that I've come to, I guess. It's inevitable that I will not reach every goal that I set for myself throughout my life. And the thing is, as I get older, my goals will undoubtedly change. So for right now, I'm keeping my eye on the big stuff. The prize. The all-important, all-generic, everyone-wants-it-but-not-a-lot-have-it goal: to live a happy life.

So far, I'm on the right track...


utenzi said...

Michele sent me to see you, Amanda.

I think you're right in setting one big overall goal though being happy might be a mite vague. LOL But having a slew of short term goals won't hurt either. Not fulfilling the short term ones doesn't hurt since there's always new goals taking the place of the old ones.

Of course you already know that, amanda. Everyone sets internal goals everyday. It's just the way people go about life.

Anonymous said...

In just writing them down, you have taken a HUGE step towards them! Don't get overwhelmed, if they are on your list, they are on your mind. Sometimes thats all it takes.
I found an old journal of mine from 20 years back. I had written a huge list of goals that I really thought wouldn't come true simply due to where I lived then and who I was married to...low and behold, I have accomplished ALL of them now! I now live on the other side of the country and am not married to the same never know! DReam BiG always!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Here from Michele's! But I'd be here anyway, you know that!

So, I love this post. Very reflective, very thought-provoking.

Living a happy life is a common goal, but one I think many people don't get to accomplish as much as they'd like to. That's why those of us who are living happy lives have to be thankful every single day!!

And you've been doing a good job on your short-term goals, too. Keep it up. =)

Ciera said...

Thanks for stopping by.

It's good to have goals I guess...although mine are basically to stay out of trouble each day.

Joe said...

My goal is to have a goal. lol

Here via Michele.

Karen said...

I was just talking to my 8th grade daughter and her friends about setting goals for themselves for high school. I think goal-setting is super important. In fact, if I don't have goals and plans, I tend to do absolutely nothing. I'm such a procrastinator. Sounds you are a super-motivated person. Way to go!

Michele sent me. Greetings from Southeast Wisconsin! *waves*

ribbiticus said...

yes, keep your eye on the prize. that'll get you through whatever adversity comes your way. good luck! :)

michele says hi. :)