Friday, March 31, 2006
Triathlon Update
I got off track for a little bit a couple of weeks ago. Life got in the way, I say. I had to go home for the big wedding shower, and the week before I was trying to get all the last details together for that. Then, I was obviously out of town and very busy that weekend, so training really took a back seat. The following week, I was catching up on all kinds of things that I had let sit because I was busy the week before, so training was moved from the back seat to the trunk. Then finally it got to be my birthday weekend, and training was so far from my mind that it wasn't even in the car anymore.
Now, I did workout some during those two weeks. I got in a couple of swims and a spin session, but really, not enough to even be considered training.
I know, I know. Excuses, excuses. And I agree! There really isn't a good reason that I couldn't have gotten up a bit earlier to get my workouts in. Or even stayed up a bit later to get other things done so that I could workout in the evening. But, I just let myself slip. And once you let yourself slip, it's so easy to keep on slipping. And it's so hard to get back on the right track.
But Sunday morning, my birthday actually, I decided that it was time for me to get back on track. It was a beautiful day here in the Cities - the sun was shining, it was 50 degrees, and the lake was calling to me. I went out into the brisk spring air and had a pretty good run. I had some pain in my knee, so I couldn't run as far as I would have liked, but it did feel great to get back out there.
After that, it felt good to keep going with training. Tuesday night I went for a swim. Wednesday morning I went swimming again, and then went to spin class in the evening. Last night, I went to the team swim (which I hadn't gone to in about 4 weeks) I had a most amazing workout. During our time trials, I actually had the fastest time out of the whole team. I left there with a great sense of pride that I really can get back on track, and take charge of my training again.
So, that's what I'm doing. I'm riding this wave all the way until July. My commitment that I've made to myself is that I'll not miss a team training session for the rest of the season, unless it's due to injury or that I'm out of town. I'm re-committing myself to this great cause and this great challenge that I have before me, and I'm looking forward to it all over again.
Oh yeah, and fundraising has been going very well also. Check the link to the right to see how far I've already come, and to donate to the cause!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Thursday Thirteen
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Thirteen Things about Mark This week, my Thirsday Thirteen is dedicated to Mark. Below are 13 (of the millions) things that remind me that I have the most amazing man in the world. 1. He writes me little notes before he goes to work almost every day, so that when I get home at night I am reminded of just how much he loves me. 2. When I went home to WI for a very busy weekend a few weeks ago, he surprised me when I got back to Mpls. on Sunday night with a hot bath, complete with rose petals and candles. 3. He learns my favorite songs, and then plays them on the guitar for me. 4. He wakes up in the morning with me just to snuggle for a few minutes. 5. He understands - and supports - my obsession with handbags. 6. He is willing to watch girly chick flicks with me - like The Notebook - just because he knows what a hopeless romantic I am. 7. He is my #1 supporter when it comes to the triathlon. When it is cold and rainy outside, he's my cheerleader to get me out of bed and ready for a great run. 8. He knows that although I think of myself as a well-organized and tidy person, I am truly, hopelessly messy - and thinks it's sweet. (Well, at least I tell myself that he thinks it's sweet...) 9. Every Sunday night, he buys me a little pint of ice cream that we share while watching the Sopranos and Grey's Anatomy. 10. He tells me that I am beautiful all the time - even when I'm sitting around on a Sunday in my old tank top and sweatpants. 11. He takes every opportunity to surprise and celebrate me - not just on my birthday or our anniversary. 12. He cleans the bathroom. 13. Not a day goes by that he doesn't tell me how proud he is of me. I hope you all have a person in your life who helps you to remember how great you are. Happy Thursday! |
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Birthday Weekend Fun
I've been having some pretty fantastic weekends lately, and this past one was no exception. It was my birthday!!
Well, my birthday was not technically until Sunday, but I had a whole fun weekend of celebrating with friends and Mark.
Friday night when I got home from work, Mark told me that I could open one birthday gift that night instead of waiting for all of them until Sunday. I was so glad that he let me open one - I love birthday presents! He presented me with a little Neiman Marcus bad, and I was immediately excited. I opened it up, and found a large bottle of Missoni fragrance, with matching scented lotion. I was so thrilled! I had been obsessing over this perfume for three weeks, ever since I first read about it in Vogue and first smelled it in Chicago. It has the most amazingly sexy scent you've ever smelled.
After opening my gifts, I quickly got ready for my girls' night out with my favorite MN gals. We were headed to Figlio in Uptown for dinner before going out for drinks to celebrate my birthday. I always love going to Figlio for dinner. I ordered the salmon small plate, which really wasn't a small plate at all. It was about 4 or 5 oz of fish, with a nice-sized portion of delicious mashed potatoes and vegetable medley. It was delicious! (Side note: I always thought that I hated salmon. I wouldn't touch the stuff. Until one night I was out to dinner with Mark and his parents, and salmon was served as one of the courses. I didn't want to be rude, so I politely tasted the dish. It was delicious. Since then, I've become a big salmon fan.) With my tasty salmon dinner I had ordered a Sugar Mama Martinin, which was strawberry infused vodka with champagne and fresh strawberries. Delicious! After two of those, a great meal, and fun conversation, we decided to go over to Bar Abilene for some additiona drinks and chatting, and maybe some dancing. While there, we had a Jell-O shot in honor of my birthday, something I hadn't had in about 3 years. I had never been to Bar Abilene before, but had heard some pretty good things about it. It was a bit early in the night yet, around 11:00 or so, so the dancing hadn't really started up yet. We enjoyed the time there though, continuing with our chatting and laughter of course. After Bar Abilene we headed to The Local, a favorite among our friends, to end the night with one last drink. It was a great night out with my friends to celebrate my birthday.
Saturday night, Mark and I headed to the Rock Bottom Brewery to meet up with Megan and Ryan before our evening at the theater. We had tickets as part of our season passes to see Annie, one of my all-time favorites. I used to watch the movie about once a week when I was a kid, so I was excited about seeing it on stage. Dinner at Rock Bottom was great - Mark had a good turkey wrap and I had a Spicy Spinach Dip - both were quite tasty. I also had a bottle of their Rock Bottom Root Beer - so good! If you are ever at a Rock Bottom, get the Root Beer! After dinner, we headed to the theater and I was giddy to see the show. There were so many little girls all dressed up for the theater - it was so cute! Many of them had little hats and little handbags and little patent leather shoes - it reminded me of me as a kid. The show was wonderful. I tried really hard not to sing along, but I did find myself humming a few bars.
On Sunday, my actual birthday, I woke up really early to laze around for the day. Mark had finals, so I had the afternoon to myself. I went for a run around Lake Calhoun - it was a most beautiful day! About 45 degrees and sunny. Perfect for an afternoon run. After my run, I came home and spruced myself up for a big dinner out. Mark came home and got ready himself, and then I got to open the rest of my gifts from him. Mark is going to take me to get some new running shoes for my birthday. Plus, he gave me a great new tri training outfit. With that, plus the great new watch that my parents gave me, I'm extra motivated to get out there and train.
After opening gifts, we walked over to Nicollet Mall to have a drink at the Millenium Hotel before our big dinner at Manny's.
After our drink, and after waiting and salivating all day at the thought of a great Manny's steak, we headed over to the Hyatt and up to the second floor to being our culinary event. We started out with a great bottle of Rosenblum Zinfandel, a favorite of mine. Then we had crab cakes, which I've been craving for about four weeks. I love crab cakes. I can't get enough of them. After that little morsel of goodness, I was thrilled when my 10 oz filet mignon arrived at the table. The filet is served with a side of bernaise sauce, and is the most succulent, tender piece of meat you can find, I swear. It tasted so good! Better than I had remembered, even. I ate very slowly, taking in each little bite and enjoying the great flavors further enhanced by the great bottle of wine. As a side dish, we had Manny's famous hash browns, browned to perfection. Mark had the 20 oz New York, which was also really great (but not as much as my filet!). We were so stuffed full after dinner that I didn't have room for dessert, which made me really sad. Not only because it was my birthday and I wanted to have some sort of birthday cake, but also because Manny's has a great brownie on the menu. It's got two layers of brownie separated by think caramel, and then it's smothered in vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, nuts and strawberries. I was really sad about missing out on that, so Mark ordered one to take home with us! By the time I got home and my stomach settled, I could cram at least a little piece in! Mark even sung Happy Birthday to me.
All in all, it was really a fantastic birthday weekend. I feel very lucky to have been able to spend it doing wonderfully fun things with wonderful people!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Thursday Thirteen
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Thirteen Things about Amanda I have been thinking lately that there are a lot of things that I need / want to accomplish before this year ends, and we're nearing the end of the first quarter of the year already! So, here's my 13 things that I want to get done before December 31, 2006. 1. Start an ING Orange Savings Account, and commit to putting at least a little bit of money away every month (March 31) 2. Have a smooth move into my new home – pack well, be organized, and remain calm (April 15) 3. Write and give a meaningful and heartfelt speech at Heather’s wedding (May 5) 4. Help my family to truly enjoy the milestones in their lives this year as they have done for me in the past few years, mainly my sister (college graduation – May 13) and my mom (50th birthday - August 22) 5. Figure out my car situation (lease or buy, new or used, etc.) and get a new car – well, new to me (June 30) 6. Lose the fatty inner tube that I currently call my stomach and turn it into strong muscle (NO LATER than July 1) 7. Raise at least my $2000, if not more, for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for the triathlon (by July 1) – see link to the right 8. Complete the Lifetime Fitness Olympic Distance Triathlon (July 15) 9. Save enough money to have a fabulous time in Las Vegas for Erin’s bachelorette party (September 28) 10. Cut my credit card debt in half (December 31) 11. Be supportive, understanding, and optimistic about Mark and his employment situation (Mark works on the assembly line at the Twin Cities Ford Plant. Layoff talks have been going on for quite some time, and we’re just not sure where Mark stands at this point) 12. Read more books – I used to read all the time, and now I just don’t find myself doing it as much 13. Allow myself to be less stressed out about money and to know that money is not the be all, end all of the world – which is kind of a humorous one considering numbers 1, 5, 9, and 10 above! Happy Thursday everyone! Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Monday, March 20, 2006
What a weekend!!!
Friday night, after a long drive from the Twin Cities to Milwaukee, I headed to Erin's house to change and gussy myself up a bit before heading over to Christi's house (see her blog link to the right - Babystepping My Way). A few weeks earlier, Christi had emailed Erin and I with an invitation to dinner at Balzac, a wine bar around the corner from her house. Little did Erin know, Christi and I had an invite of a different kind to offer one the night got underway.
Let me back up a bit here for clarification. Erin is getting married in October, and Christi is her MOH and I'm a bridesmaid. The two of us are the only two friends in the wedding; her other bridesmaid is her future sister-in-law. Well, about 8 months ago, Christi emailed me with an idea for Erin for her bachelorette party that would take a lot of planning, but would be a ton of fun. As soon as I read the email and all the details, I knew that I was totally on board and very excited! Christi had wanted the idea to be a surprise to Erin, but we needed to tell her in advance of the party so she could adequately prepare. We decided that we'd scheme and devise a plan to get the three of us together so that we could spring the news on Erin. Hence, Christi's dinner invite.
So, Christi and I had developed a plan. I'd take a half day off from work and drive down for the dinner. She would have a great floral arrangement made up and I would have my invite guru make up a most fantastic invitation outlining the details of the party. I would drive to Christi's house and drop off the invite before heading to Erin's house so that Christi could take the flowers and the invite to the restaurant before we arrived. It was a perfect plan.
When we arrived, Christi and I saw right away that the flowers and invite had been perfectly placed on our reserved table. We had Erin walk in first so that she'd see the production right away. She was a bit confused when she first sat down! She kinda looked back and forth between Christi and I, and said "What's going on?". We told her to open the invite, and she'd have some details. She opened it so slowly, and had a funny little look of confusion on her face the whole time.

After she was done opening up the invite, and after a bit of explanation from Christi and I, she figured it out. Christi and I would be taking Erin to Las Vegas for her bachelorette party. Erin could pick the dates and the guest list, but all other details and information will be left up to Christi and I.

Erin pretty much flipped out. And because Christi and I had been talking about it secretly for 8 months, we were just as excited for it to be out in the open and a reality! We quickly began to discuss possibilites for our weekend away - dancing and dinners and spa treatments and a show - we want to experience all that the city has to offer! Erin decided right away that the guest list would consist of her bridal shower - Christi and I, and Katie, the future sister-in-law. Erin's got so many friends that it would be really hard to have a successful trip with all of them, so she decided to keep it small and intimate. We're all so excited! It's definitely going to be the trip of a lifetime!! The rest of the night we just chatted and caught up on each other's lives a bit, of course with all of the Vegas excitement continually coming up in conversation! It was a great night.
Saturday morning I woke up early to spend time with my family before heading over to the salon where my cousin works to get a manicure. It was really fun to get pampered a little bit. After that, I headed home so that my mom could help me get the food ready for the weekend's main event: HEATHER'S BRIDAL SHOWER!
I have been excited about this shower for months! As I previously stated, I was co-hosting the shower with Greta, and it was so much fun to plan and prepare for the party with her. Heather's MOH is her sister, Lisa, but because Lisa lives in CA, she asked that I be in charge of the parties and such. I gladly accepted that role! Heather and I have been friends since we were 3 years old, and I truly feel like she's part of my family, so I was really happy and excited to be able to give her a great party for her and her friends.
Heather is one lucky girl - she has so many people who love her that she's having four showers! Her mom's family threw one, and the groom's family is throwing two of them. But there really wasn't a good place for her friends to fit in. So, I decided that it was only appropriate to have a fun shower where she and her friends could get together to celebrate her upcoming wedding.
When I started the planning for the party, I decided that we weren't going to do a traditional shower. No shower games, nothing like that. I decided that we needed to have something fun and outrageous that definitely catered to Heather and her personality - and so to Passion Parties I went! A Passion Party is a lot like a Tupperware party - only with sex toys! It was the perfect way to send Heather into married life. Greta offered to have the party at her parents' home because they have a nice large basement, and it was teh perfect place!

Greta and I made the food, I got some wine for the group, and I got decorations to fit the mood. By 6:00 PM, we were ready to rock and just awaiting the arrival of the woman of honor!

Everyone started to wander in between 6:00 and 6:30 or so. The group was made up of Heather's 7 closest friends - grade school friends, high school friends and work friends. And we all meshed so well together you'd think that all of us had been friends for 10 years!
After everyone had arrived and gotten some food and drinks, the Passion Party consultant, Amy, began her big production. And what a production it was! Before we knew what was happening, she had us passing around the products, licking our arms, smelling each other and trying on dick lipstick!

The Passion Party portion of the night was way more fun than I even imagined it would be. We laughed so hard our sides hurt, all while being completely intrigued by what Amy had to say. By the end of the party, we were all fighting to order our products first. It truly was the perfect thing to do for Heather's shower!
After Amy had packed up and was on her way, we gathered on the couches to watch Heather open her gifts.
Here's a side note - opening gifts that you've registered for is very funny to me. How do you react? Certainly not surprised - afterall, you did resgister specifically for these items so acting surprised would be a little awkward. It's just funny to me. Moving on...
So, Heather opened her gifts, and she received some really great items. Most were from her registry, but some gifts were little personal items that the girls knew Heather would love. For the rest of the night, we just chatted and ate some great cheesecake and drank some wine and caught up with everyone. We wound up staying at Greta's house until about 1:00 AM, just enjoying the night and the opportunity to hang out together.
It was by far the best shower I've ever been to, and not just because I was the one throwing it! We had so much fun - the guests were great and the conversation just as good. I really hope that Heather enjoyed herself as much as I did, and that it was a shower she'll never forget!

Friday, March 17, 2006
St. Patrick's Day
Until then, everyone have a fantastically fun and safe St. Patrick's Day! Eat some green corned beef, drink some green beer, and kiss an Irishman.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Thursday Thirteen
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Thirteen Things about Amanda Since it's been snowing buckets here in the Twin Cities all week, my first list as part of the Thursday Thirteen club is 13 things I love about the snow. 1. Sledding down Watertower Hill back home 2. Building snowmen with my niece and nephew 3. Snowball fights in the yard 4. Building snow castles to climb in and around 5. Making snow angels 6. Watching the snow fall and swirl high in air 7. It makes the whole world seem clean and beautiful 8. Singing Let It Snow - hey, it's not just a Christmas song! 9. Remembering the way my dog, Tasha, used to jump and run and roll around in the backyard right after a big snow storm 10. Getting all bundled up and taking a walk through freshly fallen snow while kicking it up into the air - it makes me feel like a kid 11. The way the snow gathers on tree limbs 12. That people in Minnesota still have no idea how to drive in it - no wait a minute, that's on my list of things I hate about the snow... 13. When it all melts, it means spring is on it's way... Links to other Thursday Thirteens! The Color Purple Master Enigma (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Monday, March 13, 2006
Eli's and a Car Show
On Friday night, Mark and I had tickets to see Defending the Caveman. We got free tickets because we are members of the Hennepin Theater Trust. I signed us up for Friday night tickets, and was really excited to go. I have heard from a lot of people that this show is hilarious. But when Friday came, Mark and I just didn’t have it in us to go. We just weren’t all that excited about it, and didn’t feel like going to the theater. And because we didn’t pay for the tickets, we didn’t feel too bad about not going. I do really want to see the show, so maybe in the future you’ll see a post about that.
So, instead of going to the show, we had dinner at Eli’s. Finally!

And I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought that the menu was your standard bar food – chicken sandwich, burgers, fries, etc. Not at all! They had some great stuff on the menu – fresh pastas, sandwiches, filet, pork tenderloin. It was so good. I started my meal with beer cheese soup, which was the special soup of the day. It was so good! They made it a real fancy beer cheese soup – no Wisconsin cheddar there! Then I had a fresh pasta dish with angel hair pasta mixed with veggies and a light garlic and white wine sauce. It was delicious. You can order half or full portions at Eli’s, and the half portion was perfect after my soup. Mark had a great cheese steak sandwich. It was so fun to finally get to the place that I’ve wanted to visit for over a year! After dinner we rented Just Friends, and laughed the night away on the couch.
On Saturday, I surprised Mark by taking him to the Twin Cities Auto Show. Mark is a huge car guy. It’s ridiculous sometimes. He’ll point out all these cars on the road, and I’ll have no idea what he’s talking about. He gets an obscene amount of car magazines sent to our house every month. So, you can imagine how excited he was when I told him that I was taking him to the car show. I’m actually looking to buy or lease a new car in the next couple of months as well, so I figured it’d be a good time for me to check out what the automakers have to offer.
We had such a great time. Mark was so funny – he was like a kid in a candy store. Or, like a grown man at an auto show, I guess. They tend to act the same way. I saw a lot of this during the show:

That would be Mark, running from car to car, and me, behind him, not being able to keep up.
We checked out all kinds of great cars. From the practical and realistic– Mazda 3 for me, Infiniti G35 for him – to the not to realistic – the Porsche Boxster S for him and Lexus RX 330 for me. It was fun to dream a little bit…

Later than night we went to Mark’s parent’s house to celebrate his sister Carol’s birthday. We had a great home cooked meal of ribs, coleslaw and beans.
On Sunday, Mark had school so I just relaxed and did some domesticated things around the house – laundry, cleaning, cooking. Mark and I had been looking forward to this particular Sunday for about three months. FINALLY, after months and months of waiting, The Sopranos Season 6 started on Sunday, March 12. Mark and I are Sopranos freaks. Well, I’m a Mafia freak in general. I just can’t get enough good Italian Mafia stories for some reason. They just captivate me. So, I made some baked ziti and garlic toast, and we watched as our favorite Boss came back into our lives.
Week Four Tri Training
By far the best work out of the week was Saturday. I did my team run on Saturday - only my second of the season. For some reason, I have had to miss the last couple, so I was really excited to get out there and be part of the team run. We met at Lake Calhoun as usual, and we ran on the outer track, which is 3.4 miles. Plus, whenever we reached a point that had a hill (side streets mostly), we would do four hill runs - up at a fast pace, then recovery on the way down, then back up again. It was SO hard. I haven't been running on my own enough, either, but I was so proud to say that I didn't stop running. Not once. AND, the coach even made an example out of my running partner, Kristin, and me. The coach told the entire group that they should watch us and our style and pace, which are perfect for triathlon running. Not too fast, but steady and consistent. I was really proud of that - I never thought of my running style as something to watch. It felt really great, and pushed me to work even harder and keep going the entire day. By the time we were finished, we had run about 4.5 miles total. It felt great! Well, until Sunday morning...
The best part about my triathlon week, though, was my fundraising. As of today, I have raised almost $800. As of March 1, I only had $50!! The generosity of my family, friends and co-workers has been fantastic, and so greatly appreciated. I'm almost halfway to my overall goal. I'm coming up with a couple more fundraising ideas, such as a spaghetti dinner, so that I'll have no problems coming up with the entire amount. And the fundraising has really pushed my motivation level up - I don't want to let anyone down! So, to those of you reading who've donated, thank you so much! To those you haven't donated yet, click on the link to the right to donate now!
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Just a little photo of Mark, playing his guitar. He got a new toy for his birthday that lets him plug his guitar into the computer and record music. It's pretty cool. Anytime he's able, Mark is playing the guitar. We could be in the middle of a very serious conversation, and he'll just pick up his guitar and start playing. Annoying at times, yes. But most of the time, I love it.
Just wanted to share.
Most tomorrow...
Friday, March 10, 2006
But lately, I've been thinking about just how many goals a person can realistically have. I mean, if my list of short term goals is three pages long, what are the odds that I'm going to reach every goal? And then, when I don't reach them, how crappy am I going to feel when I know that I've let myself - and possibly others - down?
And here's another thing - which goals are the most important? The short term goals with the quickest pay off? Or the life long goals - the ones that you work toward for years and the pay off is immeasurable? Should you have a lot of short term goals, and only a few long term ones? Or the other way around?
And another - how specific do your goals need to be? Should they be general - I want to travel. Or should they be more specific - I want to travel to all 50 states in the U.S. Does the specificity of your goals make them more or less attainable?
Here's the conclusion that I've come to, I guess. It's inevitable that I will not reach every goal that I set for myself throughout my life. And the thing is, as I get older, my goals will undoubtedly change. So for right now, I'm keeping my eye on the big stuff. The prize. The all-important, all-generic, everyone-wants-it-but-not-a-lot-have-it goal: to live a happy life.
So far, I'm on the right track...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
If you're feeling generous and want to donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, check out the link to the right.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Week Three Tri Training
The week started out really poorly. I didn't work out Monday OR Tuesday! It was horrible. I just ran out of time. I had so much going out outside of training that I just couldn't get to it. I don't even know what I did on Monday or Tuesday!
Wednesday I went to spin class, which has actually turned into a brick every week followed by core training. I love my Wednesday workouts. It helps me prepare for the triathlon but also gets me going and usually keeps me motivated throughout the week. This week I realized that I'm at a level that I need to step it up a bit. We did a hard brick and then some intense core training, and I didn't even get winded. I need to push myself a bit harder now - running faster and spinning with more resistance.
Thursday was swim class, and I thought I was going to drown this week! It was so hard! It felt really good, but it was really hard. The goal by March 31st is to do 8 laps without stopping. Right now I can only do four, so I have to double my number in only four weeks. I guess that's a length every week. I realized that I definitely have to get in the pool more often. March's training schedule has me in the pool three times a week, so that should really help out.
Friday, again, I didn't work out. I was up late Thursday night packing for the weekend and just getting some things in order, and I left right after work for the airport. I just didn't get a chance to do it. Then Saturday and Sunday, I was in Chicago.
This post is full of ridiculous excuses as to why I didn't train. Really, there should be no excuse. Training needs to be a huge priority in my life. Next week's goals are to continue with my water intake and to complete all of the training sessions I set for myself.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Oscar Weekend!!!
I did my best to see all of the movies that had been nominated for one thing or another, but I just couldn't see them all. I am proud to say, however, that I did see all five of the films up for Best Picture, something I haven't been able to do in years. So, without further ado, I give you my Oscar Picks.
Best Picture:
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night, and Good Luck
Amanda's Pick: Brokeback Mountain
Although all five of the movies in this category were phenomenal films, nothing affected me as much as Brokeback Mountain. I thought about this film for days afterward. Weeks, even. It was the most emotional film I've seen in years. Some people thought this was a slow movie, boring even. But if you allow yourself to get lost in the story from every angle - the two lovers, their wives, their children - and all the relationships involved, you'll find it a very moving experience. Not to mention the scenery in the film was breathtaking.
Best Directing:
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night, and Good Luck
Amanda's Pick: Ang Lee, Brokeback Mountain
Although George Clooney directed a fabulous film in Good Nigh, and Good Luck, Ang Lee really wins big here with his direction of the best movie of the year.
Best Actor:
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Capote
Terrence Howard - Hustle & Flow
Heath Ledger - Brokeback Mountain
Joaquin Phoenix - Walk the Line
David Strathairn - Good Night and Good Luck
Amanda's Pick - Philip Seymour Hoffman
I only witnessed three of the five performances, but I don't think that anyone can beat PSH in this film. He took the character of Capote and ran with it. I found myself thinking - this is the same guy who's in Twister? PSH can transform himself and morph into any great film character if given the opportunity. I think he really deserves this time to shine.
But don't forget David Strathairn. His performance was strong and solid, and really made the movie all the more bold.
Best Actress:
Judi Dench - Mrs. Henderson Presents
Felicity Huffman - TransAmerica
Keira Knightly - Pride & Prejudice
Charlize Theron - North Country
Reese Witherspoon - Walk the Line
Amanda's Pick - Reese Witherspoon
Now this category I really fault in. I haven't seen a single one of these movies. But, I am up on my Oscar info, and I'd have to go with Reese Witherspoon on this one. From what I've read, seen, and heard, she's the definite front-runner in this category. She apparently brings her character to life on screen in a way that only a "little girl from TN" could (how much do you want to bet that she says that in her acceptance speech - she says it all the damn time).
I think that Felicity Huffman is one to watch, however. She's a phenomenal actress who is just now unfortunately coming into her prime. (Oh, and if Mark's theory is correct, she'll be separated in about a year or so...)
Best Actor, Supporting:
George Clooney - Syriana
Matt Dillon - Crash
Paul Giamatti - Cinderella Man
Jake Gyllenhall - Brokeback Mountain
William Hurt - A History of Violence
Amanda's Pick - Paul Giamatti
Here's another actor who hasn't been given the recognition for his full potential. My pick in this category is based more on my own opinion rather than what I think that Academy will actually pick. I think that Matt Dillon has a good chance because he's the only one nominated for Crash, so voters may lean toward him. Same with George Clooney - he won't win for Picture or Director, so the Academy voters may give this one to him for Syriana as a back up.
Best Actress, Supporting:
Amy Adams - Junebug
Catherine Keener - Capote
Frances McDormand - North Country
Rachel Weisz - The Constant Gardener
Michelle Williams - Brokeback Mountain
Amanda's Pick - Rachel Weisz
I don't think that ever before could I really hate a character at the beginning of a film, only to really love her at the end. Rachel Weisz does a great job of connecting you to the character, and to the story, in The Constant Gardener.
Michelle Williams is another favorite, though. Who can forget the scene where she sees her husband in another man's heated embrace?
So, that's my picks for the big night. Please let me know your thoughts and your picks as well!