Monday, May 01, 2006

April Showers...

...bring May flowers, I hope!

It's been so crummy here in the Twin Cities for the past five days. I've been doing nothing but being lazy. I haven't had a lot of motivation to do much else! It's been cold (well 45 degrees in MN isn't that cold, but I can still grumble about it) and rainy. I know that we needed the rain to make the flowers grow, but rain puts a damper on doing fun outdoor activities in spring.

Alas, this weekend was spent indoors. Mark had school on Saturday, so I was in the house alone from 8am until 5pm. Usually I would like that - time to get things done, be alone, read, maybe take a nap. But the weather was so crummy that all I could think to do was curl up on the couch with Mark..and he wasn't home. So, I curled up by myself, which isn't nearly as much fun.

Sunday, though, I got my wish, and Mark and I spent the better part of the day watching Weeds, On Demand. Has anyone ever seen this show? It's about a woman who's husband died of a heart attack, and now the's a dealer to pay the bills. The show is freakin awesome. I love it. It's funny and sentimental all at the same time.

Uh, yeah, we watched 10 episodes...without stopping. We can allow ourselves to get pretty sucked in to great shows.

Now that I think about it, maybe I do love lazy, rainy least once in a while.


Christi said...

I love those days of getting lost in new series. I have watched a few episodes of Weeds and I just love it. Good call!

Mark said...

10 shows?!?! I'd freak out! I have the attention span of a ten-second-tom when I'm watching tv. But yes, it's cold and rainy here too... I think Erin was right a while back when she thought April got confused with May.