I went home to WI for Thanksgiving to spend time with family and friends. A 6:00am flight on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving gave my four full days to hang out and enjoy some relaxation. My mom had Thanksgiving at her house, so it was a little crazy getting everything ready. I was pretty proud of myself though; I made my very first Thanksgiving Day pie, and it was awesome. On Friday, my mom, my sister and I partook in our favorite tradition of the year - Christmas shopping on Black Friday. I got all of my shopping done in one day. I had lunch with Erin and her mom in Lake Geneva, did a little shopping with my dad, and just enjoyed the holiday. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that I didn't like much as a kid, but the older I get, the more I really enjoy it. It isn't just about eating until you burst and watching football until you are fast asleep on the couch. It's about getting together with family and friends, and truly realizing that you have so much to be thankful for. It's a kick start to the entire holiday season of sharing and giving and enjoyment.
The Whittens came up for a visit. It was a very relaxing weekend. We hung out, went to The Electric Fetus (the best music store around really), visited the Sculpture Garden in Minneapolis, did a little swimming, and just had a good time catching up with friends.
I saved the largest event for last, as it was truly the highlight of my fall. On October 28th, Erin and Dave got married, and I was honored to be a part of the event. Erin had planned everything out so perfectly; not a thing went wrong! The chapel was beautiful, the ceremony was heartfelt, the reception hall was amazing. The whole day was very romantic and whimsical. And, most importantly, it was so fun. From the moment we woke up in the morning, Erin was so much fun to be around. She was a fabulous bride - excited, nervous, filled with emotions of all kinds. And she smiled all day long. It gave the day a wonderful feeling right from the start. And that feeling just continued on through every moment of the day - waiting in the chapel for guests to arrive, standing up there watching them get married, taking pictures at the fabulous chapel, watching the first dance and the cake cutting, eating a delicious meal, and dancing the night away - it was all so fun to be part of. I unfortunately don't have many photos of the day - I was a little busy! But, here are a few of the day, and you should definitely scoot on over to Erin's blog to see a whole host of photos - they really are beautiful photos. (Note: go back to November 6th on her blog to see them!)
Waiting at the Chapel
At the Chapel
Erin, Mimi, Mom, Me
The Happy Couple
Awwwww. ::wiping a tear from my eye:: Thank you so much for the kind words about my day! I'm so glad you loved it. I loved it. So much. You were a wonderful bridesmaid and friend that day - and every day - and I was SO happy to share it all with you.
And since I'm SURE your readers care SO much about my wedding (ha!) - here's a link to pics of the day. Go there to see my beautiful bridesmaid AMANDA!! And me and my hubby, of course. :)
Yay! Good recap. About time.
And about Thanksgiving - I feel exactly the same way. I didn't like it at all when I was a kid - I just wanted Christmas to get here! But now I love Thanksgiving; I think it's my favorite holiday. It's a time to be together with family and friends and be thankful for all that we've been blessed with in life.
Love you! Welcome back to the blogosphere!!
Well, shoot, the link to the pics isn't clickable. Copy and paste it, people. Just do it. Thank you and have a nice day.
Pretty dress. Love the pearls.
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Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
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