Monday, June 05, 2006

A Little Update on Life

So many things are going on that I just haven't had the time to post about them. I know, "the world is waiting with breath that is baited." (Know what this exact quote is from? Leave it in the comments to get a special prize...) Without further ado, I give you my life update.

Mark and I are heading to South Dakota! That's right folks, South Dakota!! We made a commitment a couple of years ago to take a vacation together every year, and to see all 50 states together before our time on this earth ends. And, because we don't have a lot of money right now and I don't have a lot of days off to take, we decided to make a road trip to South Dakota this year's trip. I have been wanting to go to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore for years. We're heading out on June 30th to see that and so much more! While in South Dakota, we'll be visiting Rapid City, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial, Wind Cave National Park, Custer State Park, Badlands National Park, Deadwood, the Mitchell Corn Palace and Sioux Falls. It's going to be so much fun. With Mark, how could it NOT be fun?!

I got a new car! My old Ford Escort Sport SE is still a great little car, but I needed something that would be 100% reliable and dependable, especially on those trips back to WI. My sister was looking to see her car and get something more family-friendly. So, I bought her car! It's a 2004 Grand Prix GT Special Edition. It's got all kinds of fun features - the two most important being a power sunroof and leather heated seats, etc. I got it at a great price, too. I'm so excited about it!

I went back to WI (again!) this weekend for my cousin Tony's wedding. Tony is the only male in our generation, so it was really fun to see him married off! The wedding was held at Chapel on the Hill, and the reception was at The Parkway Chateau in Kenosha. It's always fun to go to family weddings.

Less than 6 weeks to go now! The training is going pretty well. I swam in the lake last Thursday night for the first time. I was nervous at first, but once I was in the water with my wet suit, goggles, and swim cap on, I was ready to go. It was so fun and very freeing. I got off course a time or two, but overall it went really well. I'm really confident in that part of the tri now. I bought new tires for the bike last week. I was getting frustrated with my thick tread tires, so I bought a nice set of thin racing tires. They really helped my speed. I got up and went for a long ride this morning, and it was great to get that fresh morning air first thing in the day. The run is coming along as well. I have succumb to the fact that I'll most likely walk for a bit of the run. During training, I've been running for 20 minutes, then walking for two minutes. It helps me re-focus, get a little break, and get moving again. Fundraising is going well - only $190 more to go! People have been very generous, and I've really appreciated all the support. I just can't believe that it's only 6 weeks away!!!

I love summer. I love that I can get up at 5:15 to go for a ride and it's light out already! And, I love that I can get home at 5:40 and it's light out for hours still! And so many fun things come with summer - weekends at the cabin, friends visiting from out of town, going on vacation, competing in a triathlon. It's going to be a busy one for Mark and me!

He's great. I like him.

I hope your life is busy and happy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Congrats on the new car and the tri training!

And whoo hoo for summer and bike rides and visits from us!!!!

Oh yeah, and I like Mark too. :)

Christi said...

haha cute post =)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »