It's my rant - and ode - to kid's games!
One of my (and Mark's!) favorite things to do is play games. We've got a closet full of them, and on any random Saturday or Sunday afternoon, you can find the two of us in our PJs, on the floor of our living room, sprawled out with a game of some sort. From Monopoly to Yahtzee! to Sequence to Skip Bo, we're gamers people!
This past weekend was no exception. Despite the beautiful weather tempting us to come outside, we couldn't pull ourselves away from the games for too long. Oh we got out and enjoyed the sunshine for a bit as well, but all the while our War cards were calling our names and reaching out to us. We couldn't fight it. Throughout the weekend, we played at least 5 games of War, with a few games of Sequence thrown in there for good measure. Here's a couple of snap shots of our kid-like behavior.

OOOOOOO...a war with Aces - is there anything so exciting!

Why do we love games so much, you might ask? Because nothing takes you back to the innocence of youth quite like playing a game. It's a time when you don't have to worry about bills and money; you don't have to feel racked with guilt for not returning your sister's phone call; you don't have to think about the horrors going on in the world. You can just sit down on the floor cross-legged, in your PJs, and enjoy the simplicity of playing a game with someone you enjoy. You can empty your mind of reality for a bit, and enter the gaming world. It's fantastic.
I encourage you to enjoy a family or friends game night of your own sometime quite soon!
Pretty sure on nights where Tara and I just can't quite get to bed, we'll bust out the Yahtzee and play a few rounds. Plus, on Monday, we hung around all day and drank wine and played Monopoly. I LOVE BOARD GAMES. You and Mark need to come back to Mil. soon and we'll all have a game night. they rock!!
And it just wouldn't be one of those Saturday or Sunday afternoons without Mark and his favorite t-shirt. :)
Yay for games! I love games, too. Game nights are the best! Glad I have pals who feel the same way. :)
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