Sunday, January 07, 2007


Ok, folks. It's over. I tried, but now it's officially over.

I am no longer going to keep this blog. This is my final post.

I started this blog with the intent of tracking new things that I'd done in the Twin Cities. My initial New Year's resolution for 2006 was to do one new thing in the Twin Cities every week, and then blog about that new thing. By March, I quickly realized that goal wasn't going to be realized.

No matter what, life tends to take over and take the lead from you. I realized that I just didn't have the time to devote to doing one new thing every week, not to mention the money. Not that I'm complaining at all; I had a phenomenal 2006. I shared in so much joy this year - three friends got married, my sister graduated from college, my mom celebrated a milestone birthday, I GOT ENGAGED! It was a great year. But with all of these big life changes, small trips to the local museum or nights out at a new restaurant got lost.

After my realization that the "new things" part of my resolution was a lost cause, I still had the devotion to writing about life in general. I thought that it was such an amazing thing, this blogging world. A world where a person can write about any and everything they want, and no one can stop them. I found myself perusing other blogs and reading about other people, and becoming fascinated with the world out there.

As time went on, though, I began to lose my enthusiasm for blogging. As I stated a few weeks ago, I started to dread blogging. I would go do something so fun, and then be a bit irritated that I "had" to blog about it. So, I stopped blogging altogether for a while. And for the most part, I didn't miss it at all.

And then, for some reason, one day in December, I really wanted to blog. I wanted to again share my life and my stories with the people out there in the world. I regained my excitement about blogging.

For about two weeks.

Now, I'm back to where I was in October, back to not wanting to write in this format, back to not caring to share my life with others in this manner. I realized that, for the most part, the people who read my blog are my friends and family who already know all about my life. They don't need to read about it on some blog.

And, if I want to write about something, I should be writing it down in my own personal books, for myself and no one else. I shouldn't be writing superficially about things, being careful not to delve into raw emotion because I know that, for example, my mom is reading. I should be writing for my own self. Twenty years from now, I won't have a silly blog to reflect upon; I'll have books filled with my thoughts and emotions and memories of a certain day.

Now, please don't get me wrong and think that I'm saying that blogging is silly or stupid. I don't think that's the case at all. In fact, there are many, many blogs that I read consistently and I love reading them. (Shameless plug: I think that for some blogging is a great way to share part of yourself with the world. But, I am saying that I had wrong intentions with this blog, and that for me, blogging is not the way in which I should chose to express myself or to spend my own time.

That being said, I have enjoyed this blog for the most part. At times, it was very fun to post about big life events and to hear what others out in the world had to say about it.

So, thanks to all who have read throughout the past year. I appreciate the reading and the commenting. It's been great to share this particular pop culture experience with you.

